
Body Changes at 18 Weeks Pregnancy

Body Changes at 18 Weeks Pregnancy - When entering the 18 weeks of pregnancy, you will begin to feel the small changes in your body. What would you feel is certainly a very valuable experience, and this is an important milestone in your pregnancy.

body changes at 18 weeks pregnant

Changes In The Body During 18 Weeks Pregnant

  • Maybe you feel the fetus begin to move or light pulses since week 18 of pregnancy. This phase is called the quickening. At your next doctor's visit, tell them about the movement of the fetus. Your doctor may ask you to keep up your baby's movements by using a kick count chart. Maybe it was too early for you and your baby, so if you don't feel the beating, it was a normal thing.
  • At 18 weeks pregnant, you become emotionally attached to your baby. You also probably already started looking for a name for your baby. Hormonal changes will continue to occur, this is normal because these hormones help your baby to grow. However, these hormonal changes will affect the digestive system and other systems of your body. The digestion process is still quite slow and you may experience heartburn or constipation.
  • At 18 weeks pregnant, your facial skin may be covered with acne or a bit dark. In the area around the nipple or belly button may also become darker. And you may also feel your skin becomes a little dry or itchy. Maybe you will also have trouble sleeping. Arrange the pillow, it will add comfort when you sleep. Because deep sleep is essential for your baby's growth.

Of all the changes in the body mentioned above, there's no one you have to worry about. It was all a normal process in pregnancy. Hopefully the explanation about the body changes at 18 weeks pregnancy is quite helpfull for you!


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