
Fetus at 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

Fetus at 18 Weeks of Pregnancy - At 18 weeks of pregnancy, you are in the stage of fetal development. Now the fetus can hear sounds from outside your body. The fetus will move or jump when listening loud noises. The muscles of the fetus has begun to contract and relax. The fetus is already able to kick, punch and move very active. In this week you might be able to feel the movement or rotation of the fetus for the first time.

fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Size of the Fetus at 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

At this time the length of the fetus is about 6 inches  (14 cm) and weighs about 7 ounces (190 grams). The bones of the fetus begins to harden (having the first oscillation). The blood vessels are visible through the skin that is still very thin, and ear is already in its final position. If the baby is female, the uterus and fallopian tubes begin to form and be in place. But if the baby is a boy, his genitals are starting to appear, but they might hide it when you do an ultrasound.

Uterus can be palpated just below the navel, about the size of a watermelon. Growth of the uterus in the future will change the balance of your body. While the increased mobility of the joints will influence the postural changes, as well as cause a complaint to the back. These complaints will increasingly be if you gaining weight uncontrollably. To overcome this, get used to lying on your left side, avoid standing too long and heavy lifting. In addition, frequently resting the legs by lift / prop legs using pillows.

When entering the age of 18 weeks of pregnancy, interactive relationship between you and your baby will be more closer. So every time you happy, sad, hungry or feel anything else, the fetus will be also feel the same.


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